

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

ACC Experience Rating Reviews

Our most popular review – for a small fee of $1,500 + gst, we’ll use ACC’s claim and levies data to provide you with a report and recommendation for saving money in both the short term and the long term.

Experience Rating (ER) is a direct reflection of the management of your claims. Using information obtained directly from ACC, we can benchmark you against others in your industry. You’ll be able to see what the maximum discount others in your industry are getting, and how much you need to do to get or better that discount.

We take your current claims information and provide you with a number of scenarios for future levies, depending on your claims management. We’ll also give you a number of recommendations, some of which you can put into place yourself free.

Why wait for a discount from ACC? Start moving towards it today by getting an Experience Rating Review done.

Des O’Brien – Evo Road Services:

“Martin and Team were engaged by Evolution Traffic Management Ltd to review our workplace claims. They used their deep knowledge of ACC process, and our historic data, to find claim anomalies and make practical recommendations. This assisted our inhouse team to manage claims, improve our experience rating, and ultimately to improve our management of risk, and health and safety.”

Marty Wouters