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Totika - in plain English

In this blog we share the good, bad and otherwise of the Tōtika scheme.

Well, cards on the table, we actually quite like the initiative. There are way (!!!) too many prequal schemes in NZ and it is silly they are all competing for the same customer aka you. This often means you have to sign up to multiple schemes in order to do the work you are doing.

Is it adding any value in Health & Safety or to your business? Other than allowing you to do the work, no it is not. It is in fact a complete waste of money and time.

Totika was set up as an umbrella framework where a subbie signs up with only one prequal (that is accredited with Totika). You will show up on the national register which main contractors can use to sign you off. Please note though, this does not mean you don’t have to do your SSSP, site management, etc. All of that is still needed. What it means is that you don’t need to reinvent every tender document for Health & Safety and potentially belong to multiple prequal schemes.

As a contractor - what does Totika cost? Noting. Zip. Nada.

The cost sits with you needing to be part of an accredited prequal scheme.

What is that you say, you are with Sitewise? Bugger, they are not currently accredited. Last we heard is that Sitewise is waiting on their clients to tell them to sign up. Seems a bit shortsighted to me however, it’s not my business so I have no idea as to their thinking.

Should you shift to an accredited scheme and if so, which one?

Practically speaking, most of you are not big enough for ISO, Q-Safe or SafePlus - the level of compliance needed and the costs are hefty. That in turn leaves 4 other schemes.

  • Safe365

  • Impac

  • SHE

  • Pegasus

Why don’t you join us for a 30 min webinar and we’ll take you through each one. We will also give you the low-down on the Totika scheme as a whole and answer your questions.

Click here to register.

Marty Wouters