

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

ACC's Medical Certificates - a response from the NZ Medical Council

On December 19th, I posted a link re ACC's Medical Certificates (click here) and noted the Medical Council of New Zealand had not yet responded to our request.

Good news is that we have now had a response.

The big take home is that the Medical Council is intending to review their medical certification statement in 2023. Quite timely given the current one dates back to 2013. ACC has had a raft of changes to its claim management framework since then and now we also have the pending introduction of the New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme.

The Medical Council have asked us to be involved in this review as part of their stakeholder group which we have accepted. This will give us the ability to share our perspective and give the employer a voice.

So, not only is ACC going to be busy in 2023, so is the Medical Council.

We will continue to share our views and welcome your questions and observations. \


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