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Long-COVID update

Here we are, almost 9 months later and what have I learned...
Antihistamines work when I do a 3 week on, 1 week off cycle. When I am on it is awesome. I am literally back to 90% of where I used to be. No more foggy brain; no super tired episodes; I can focus; no stutter; no dribble - oh wait, that's another issue!; no irritability; no Mr Grumpy Pants; generally I am much more pleasant to be around. I can also do training - go for rows, runs, etc but within reason. One hour is about the upper limit for now.
On my off week... oh boy... the last week I experienced double vision; super dry skin; very tired; not hungry; mental health challenges as in the demons were pretty noisy; dizzy spells; and probably a few other things.
Why do I do an off week you ask? Mainly because I found that after 3 weeks of being on antihistamines I would crash and crash bad. Way worse than what I have described above so this is my way of managing this. So yeah, I cycle.
How long will this continue? No idea. But to be honest, I'm kinda over it.

Martin Wouters

Marty Wouters