NZ’s only dedicated
Claims Triage Service for SME’s
For only $9.90 per week - save 33%
What you get - we manage your Sprains & Strains.
You get direct access to our national network of physios. You (or your worker) phone us, we book and manage - freeing up your time. You get direct access to our ACC expertise and we tell you the things that ACC doesn’t!
You do transport, we do ACC claims.
You also get access to our online Compliance Toolkit covering a range of Wellness; Health & Safety; ACC Levies; Occupational Health; Business Continuity policies, workbooks, templates, resources. Everything you need to take control. Oh and if that wasn't enough we also provide a range of Safe Operating Procedures - over 80 and adding all the time..
Why so cheap? We want you to use it. And we want you to like us so you will refer us to others.
Five easy steps…
Sign up either monthly or annually
We onboard you & set you up with some processes
When a sprain / strain happens, phone us 0800 4 TRIAGE | 0800 4 874 243
We pathway the claim into 1 of 4 streams - we book all physio appointments then and there… any where in NZ. We invoice you directly for the physio surcharges - one monthly invoice, nice and easy
You receive physio reporting. At any point you can escalate to us and we get involved in a direct one-on-one management solution
Every month
Every year
Manage ACC, Manage your Worker, Manage your Cost. You also get access to a range of Wellness; Health & Safety; ACC Levies; Occupational Health; Business Continuity policies, workbooks, templates, resources. Everything you need to take control. Oh and if that wasn't enough we also provide a range of Safe Operating Procedures - over 80 and adding all the time.. Why so cheap? We want you to use it. And we want you to like us so you will refer us to others.