
Wellness Templates

Below are a series of Wellness for Business templates you can use. Please note, merely having a document in place means very little if you do not know why you are using it or how you are using it.

Each of the documents should be altered / changed to suit your specific business. If you need a hand with anything you can reach out.

Master Policy

Sets out how Wellness should be run in your business. Although a generic layout, you can tailor it to suit. Master Policy is like a recipe for a cake. It sets out all the ingredients and an order you should use them in. If you follow it the cake tastes pretty good… if you don’t (i.e. use salt instead of sugar) the outcome isn’t so good. Wellness works the same way, the policy sets all the ingredients out and used in the right order you will have a pretty good system.

5 Ways to Wellness in Business

This guide goes hand in hand with the Action Plan. Note the 5 Ways to Wellness is also referenced in the Policy document.

It is the how we do wellness.

Action Plan - 5 Ways to Wellness

Use this template to set up your 5 Ways to Wellness programme. Use the guide above in support.


What else would you like to see - we have a lot of stuff to share and if we do not have it, chances are we can create it!

Please email us at with your suggestions.