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KISS by Sue

It’s way too easy to spout acronyms when you’re knees deep in business.

When I was with a particularly large Government organisation in a former working life, we made a list of all of the different acronyms and what they meant so the new staff would know what the older staff were talking about.

Even now, when asking that same large organisation for information, they supply a list of acronyms and the meanings to save confusion!

Hoodacky, thingimebob and whatsit mean nothing, but can mean everything to the people having the conversation – it’s all about context.

For example – there are about 113 different meanings for LOL. The most common being “Lots of Love”, “Laughing out Loud”  and “League of Legends” – all with the same acronym but meaning very different things to the receiver.

 The internet has thousands of examples of texting gone wrong – here’s one for a giggle:

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 TTFN – MG 😊

Marty Wouters