

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

Covid and Employee ACC Weekly Compensation Challenges

Imagine, you normally earn a decent wage, lets say $70k per year. You have been off work during Level 4 lockdown for four weeks and only received the wage subsidy amount during that time.
This will already have had quite a financial impact on you and no doubt, will have created a few stresses.
Now, you are back at work, first week back in fact and you get injured.
What would you expect your weekly comp to be?
Sadly, it will be calculated on your last 4 weeks of earnings. In this case, the wage subsidy amount. So in other words. you will receive the absolute minimum from ACC rather than 80% of $70k.
I think this is a disgrace and very disappointing from ACC.
Why should our workers be penalised for something that is so far out of their control? If the injury is legitimate and the worker is in need of and is entitled to weekly comp, why do they need to experience this?
I hope to update you in due course on this as we work with our friends at ACC and Government to rectify this wee anomaly.

Martin Wouters

Managing Director

Manage Group

Marty Wouters