

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

ACC Medical Authorities - Why we like them

ACC Medical Authorities (med auths) are the ultimate Lotto win to information – specific, personal information that is.

They have the powerful ability to give you full access to claims information to help your employees and help save your business money.

Without the med auth, you are limited as an employer to the information you can have to help your employees get fit and healthy and return to work. Any long-term delays can have a significant impact on your day-to-day operations, as well as your ACC levies via Experience Rating.

Simple to use, simply complete, get your employee to sign it and send it in to ACC. Use this as part of your employee induction and have a signed copy on their employee file.

Looking out for your employees – that’s the ultimate Lotto win.

Want to know more - contact me…

Sue Walton

0800 RISK NZ (0800 747 569)

Marty Wouters