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Vaccinations for Med Certs

Med Certs – the infectious little blighters that employees are prone to getting. Each one can last for days, weeks or even months.

We’re allergic to Med Certs and are fully vaxxed against them. Why?

Because we want to protect you the employer. Our vax goal is 100% protection and we’re well on the way to our goal. Symptoms for the Med Cert: delayed periods of communication and an apparent allergy to work.

Minor issues may resolve themselves within a few days, but more severe reactions may need additional medical care i.e. physios.

Med Certs are highly contagious and some employees suffer from it more than once. This can have an economic impact on the employer which insurance won’t cover.

All employers should vax against med certs – low cost vax’s available through Manage Group.

Sue Walton
027 210 4918 / 0800 RISK NZ (0800 747 569)

Marty Wouters