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Marty's Long-Covid...

It's been 16 weeks since I had covid (sounds like an AA meeting...) and I have just come off a 3 week down cycle. The down cycles had only been lasting 2 weeks but this was a special one.
I had the Delta variant and my experience is that it picked on everything and anything I have had physical issues with in the past i.e. past injuries and health issues. I guess I now remember all the things I had wrong with me... yay, just what I wanted...
This has continued into the long-covid phase with the added bonus of other things popping up. For instance, I stuttered when I was 13'ish and that came back during my low phases. Also I get foggy brain in the afternoons, you know, when the lights are on but... ok, it's not that bad but it is noticeable.
From a mental health perspective, there seems to be quite a lot of evidence to support that depression and anxiety are common issues experienced. Not surprising given the body and brain are super tired.
How long does it last I hear you ask? Dunno. I will tell you once I know!
NZ has been sheltered from long-covid, however that will change. Please be respectful of your team if they have had covid. Chances are they too are on a journey that has no map or guide... yet.
On a positive note, 4 days ago I could smell a peach. Oh my gosh, did it smell good!!

Marty Wouters