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What's a little miss-truth amongst politicians...

Quote from an article on the one news website.
“The parties also accused the Government of “seizing” RATs from the private sector. Verrall denied this and said it was the result of the “global supply situation” where RATs were in high demand and, therefore, difficult for everyone to get a hold of.”
Ayesha Verrall, your comment re seizing RATs is not correct. The Min of Health is very much seizing all supplies so I would appreciate that at best you get your facts right and at worst don’t lie. Why do I know this? Because we sell RATs… errr sorry, we would like to sell RATs! We can comfortably make orders and have them shipped to NZ. But… the Min of Health than grabs them, literally. Apparently at the direction of the Prime Minister so they tell us.

Marty Wouters