

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

Admin companies and ACC


Admin companies

78540 levy code

ACC are currently reviewing all businesses with the 78540 levy code – which is typically used for admin companies.

This is where your admin / low risk workers are employed in a separate company. This is great for ACC savings! As with everything, please do not discuss this over the phone with ACC, rather, get ACC to email you all the questions. Context is so incredibly important and the risk is that your admin company will be changed to the same levy code as your trading company. It doesn’t take too much to be asked a loaded question. We have just had a really good outcome for a client where ACC reviewed their admin company. The end result is ACC changed their levy code to an even better one than admin.

If you want to hear more or you want some support, we are here to help.

Contact our ACC expert Sue Walton: or 027 210 4918

Sue Walton

Manager - ManageACC

m 027 210 4918

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