Construction subsidies
Construction subsidies
The Government has allocated funding to support small and medium sized businesses. The latest release of funding is planned for 10 July and will be made available for businesses in the wider construction industry.
ACC is going to roll out a health & safety (H&S) advice and training subsidies focused on the construction industry. It will be targeted at employers with 6 - 99 employees.
The logic behind the subsidy is to provide access to H&S professionals for the small to medium sized business. The amount of the subsidy is relatively small. ACC will pay 50% of the cost of the advice, up to $500 for companies 6-50 employees, and $1,300 for companies 51-99 employees.
Hey, it is still better than nothing.
The subsidy will be focused on two risk areas:
Moving vehicles and equipment
Falls from height
Both are pretty popular when it comes to accident statistics so no surprises really.
The subsidy is intended to help with the first or next step in the journey of improving H&S performance. It is not intended to absorb all the costs associated with H&S. The following gives you an idea of what can be done.
Action Plan: The plan should respond to the question: what are we going to do to have better health and safety in this workplace? An action plan is a documented list of objectives, activities, tasks, timelines, responsibilities and other information that outlines how a H&S gap will be addressed or the overall H&S of a workplace improved.
Improvement Activity: It should respond to the question: what has the health and safety consultant helped us to implement to improve the health and safety of our workplace? An improvement activity are the actions and/or tasks that have been implemented to address a gap or improve the overall health and safety of a workplace.
We specialise in this area and we know more about ACC and Worksafe than most. We currently have the capacity to guide you through either the Action Plan or the Improvement Activity.
First things first, let’s find out if your business is eligible. We can check this either with ACC directly via completing this ACC authority form or if you know your ACC code, then let us know that.
If you want to find out more about the construction focused subsidy then please contact John Gould, our ManageOSH Manager on or 0800 747 569.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss this and answer any questions you have.